Tuesday 29 April 2008

I am Ch for Chuffed


Many thanks to mellie from the blog tummy rumbles for awarding me an E for Excellent Blog Award. I'm particularly chuffed to be receiving the award from mellie, as it was her blog that inspired me to start Melbourne Gastronome in the first place!

I would like to pass the award on to two of my favourite food blogs, Not Quite Nigella (the blog that actually got me baking again for the first time in ages, and my first port of call for Sydney eateries) and Off the Spork (one of my favourite Melbourne blends of restaurant reviews, recipes, gorgeous photography and entertaining writing).


Anonymous said...

Wow, thankyou so much Claire. It's a real honour! I'm so glad that you're baking, it's great especially with Winter coming up and I'm happy that you like the restaurant reviews too :) Thanks again Claire!

Agnes said...

Awww, yey! Thanks Claire :)