Monday 26 January 2009

Melbourne weather: the week ahead

I think the wonderful First Dog on the Moon has accurately summed up my feelings regarding the Age online weather forecast for the next seven days in his latest cartoon.

Our back courtyard faces north and west, with very little shade. Maybe I'll bring the fledgling herb garden inside for a few days so the plants don't burn to a crisp?!

(Oh, and a huge thanks to all the kind souls who have offered me gardening advice. Will be putting some of your creative ideas into practice soon!)


  1. I would bring it inside or at the very least rig up some sort of shade cloth. My seedlings survive these extreme days much better under shade cloth.

    It's going to be a crazy hot week. I've been getting up at 6am to make sure anything that needs cooking for the day is done by 8am.

  2. oh man, it is going to be a hot one! I think I need to put myself in the fridge for a couple of days, all i need to do is get all the food out first. Thats probably a bad idea.

  3. Geez it WAS hot! Dunno how your herbs fared, but I certainly wilted. Perhaps those pesky bugs on them got fried too!

  4. I hope you and your herbs are doing ok Claire! :)

  5. Glad everyone survived the heatwave! My herbs did, but only because I hid them down the side of the house in the shade, next to the old bookshelves and massive spiderwebs.

    Needless to say the heatwave was most foul, but I did love the Bureau of Meteorology's official forecast for Monday: "Melbourne, 31, sultry and unsettled". As I quipped to my friend, apparently the BOM thinks Melbourne is a character in a Tennessee Williams play.

    I've been feeling sultry and unsettled all week! I think it's because the nights are still so warm...
