Monday 2 July 2007

Fräus hot chocolate at Little Peninsula

Little Peninsula
308 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne (map)
9670 2020

Little Peninsula is in Little Lonsdale St, just across the road and down a bit from Horse Bazaar. Both their menu and their wine list are crammed with goodies from the Mornington Peninsula. I have it on good authority that their antipasto platter is excellent, but when I visited it the other week, I only had time for a hot chocolate... but what a hot chocolate it was!

Fräus hot chocolate at Little Peninsula

Fräus hot chocolate is popping up in discerning cafés and restaurants all over town. The Fräus team have a great little crêperie over in North Melbourne which I visited last year and liked very much.

Their Italian-style hot chocolate is delicious but so insanely rich and thick that you can't really just pick it up and drink it (instead, one eats it with a teaspoon), and a glass of water is needed on standby. Fabulous on a wintry afternoon!


  1. That does look like a seriously thick and rich hot chocolate! It has been duly bookmarked by me. :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
